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Presented by ASA's Business Forum on Aging (BFA)

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Includes Complimentary CEUs for ASA members and paid registrants

Did you lose retirement funds in the Great Recession? Are you worried about whether your money will be there when you need it later in life—for serious illness, disability, or living expenses? Many wonder if they will outlive their money. Find out how to make your money last longer: Earn more interest on your money, eliminate interest income and move your 401(k) or IRA without cost so you can afford to retire. Learn how to avoid tax burdens, probate and overlooked tax deductions. In this web seminar you will learn what steps to take and the tools to use today to ensure your money will be there when you need it. If your retirement funds took a huge hit in the Great Recession, you absolutely must attend.

Participants in this web seminar will be able to:

  • Understand and apply the three secrets for safe money;
  • Use the three tools—long-term-care insurance, living trusts and equity-indexed annuities;
  • Explain how to make your money last as long as you do; and,
  • Articulate why you must create a living trust. 


Kris Miller is the No. 1 best-selling author of Ready for Pretirement: 3 Secrets for Safe Money and a Fabulous Future (New York: Morgan James, 2012) and has become known as the Safe Money Strategist.” She has advised more than 5,000 families during the past 22 years on retirement and estate planning issues and calls herself the “Money Maestro” because she harmonizes her client’s finances.