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Hill Day

Hill Day 2024


On May 1, 2024, the American Society on Aging coordinated a day of advocacy with and on behalf of Indigenous Elders in Washington, DC. We met with elected officials, staffers and committee support staff to advocate for better and more equitable access to healthcare and obesity care treatments.

We shared findings from a series of roundtable sessions ASA staff held in 2023. These conversations had 3 themes, each of which we have compiled into a fact sheet:


We will ask elected officials to:

  1. Provide nutritious & culturally appropriate foods in the Older Americans Act’s Title III and Title VI programs.
  2. Increase funding allocation for Indian Health Services (IHS) to allow for better access and culturally appropriate care.
  3. Ensure greater access and options for obesity care treatment.


Download the Fact Sheets:



Obesity Is a Chronic Condition for Indigenous Elders


Contributors to Obesity for Indigenous Elders


Range in Care Options for Indigenous Elders with Obesity

Additional resources around this topic from ASA partners: