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Making Your ASA Membership More Meaningful

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Your ASA membership gives you access to opportunities that can sharpen and expand your leadership skills, diversify your resume, allow you to give back to the profession or provide support through financial contributions.

The volunteer opportunities outlined here will help you:

  • Grow your network
  • Learn from broader responsibilities
  • Meet new potential partners, funders and mentors
  • Promote your organization’s thought leadership or your own

Opportunities to Volunteer

ASA Member Communities Topic Moderator

Moderators are responsible for creating conversation that brings value to the community. The goal is to foster meaningful connections while adding to the body of knowledge on ASA's Member Communities. 

• Moderators are willing to post one to three times a week. 

• Moderators will be asked to upload a photo, bio and any relevant work experience. 

• If a discussion thread goes unanswered for three days, Topic Moderators are expected to respond to it (if they are qualified).

• Moderators are invited to participate for six months. After the six month period a renewal process will be considered.

Time Commitment: Four to five hours a month
Term Length: Six months 

Contact if you are interested!


ASA RISE Mentors

ASA members make the best mentors! The next cohort of ASA RISE will convene in 2025. If you are interested in becoming a mentor for the upcoming cohort of ASA RISE Fellows, please email to express interest.


Board of Directors

Responsible for financial oversight, governance and furthering our mission, the Board of Directors governs ASA and helps ensure our long-term success.


Learn More About Joining ASA's Board


Board Committees


Acceptances are made on a rolling basis, and the time commitment is approximately one hour per month.

All current members of ASA are invited to join one of the following Board Committees:
Business Development and Membership
Public Policy



DEI Upstanders

Consistent with the ASA Strategic Plan to strengthen its DEI efforts, the DEI Upstanders is a standing board committee, which is co-chaired by a member of the Board of Directors and another ASA member. The charge of the Upstanders is to ensure that ASA promotes equity, combats racism and other systemic inequalities, and fosters inclusion in all of our advocacy work, programming and in the employee lifecycle at ASA. Additionally, the Upstanders will leverage the insights, knowledge, talent, relationships and experience of its members and advisors to help position ASA as the go-to resource and leading repository of expertise regarding diversity, inclusion and equity in the field of aging.

Time Commitment: Upstander members should expect to spend between 16 and 20 hours each year advancing the work of the group, including attending quarterly meetings.
Term Length: Two year term

ASA is not currently recruiting for the DEI Upstanders. Learn more about DEI Upstanders here.


Advisory Council

ASA's strategic plan lays out five priority areas. An advisory council, which is co-chaired by a member of the Board of Directors and another ASA member, exists for each priority area. These councils will lead programming and thought leadership through a lens of diversity, inclusion and equity. 

Time Commitment: Advisory Council members should expect to spend between 16 and 20 hours each year advancing the work of the Council, including attending quarterly meetings.
Term Length: Two year term


Advisory Councils

Ageism & Culture: Increasing member awareness of anti-ageism resources, developing anti-ageism ambassadors, supporting older adults’ recognition in the arts and expanding society’s understanding of cross-cultural views on aging.

Economic Security: Advancing more robust policies and programs to improve economic security for older adults and assure a dignified old age, especially for older women and people of color.

Equity & Justice: Driving discourse and advocating for demonstrated change regarding elder justice, social movements, diversity and inclusion initiatives and exploring intersections between aging and racism, homophobia, gender-based or religious discrimination.

Health & Well-Being: Pursuing health equity for all older adults and their caregivers through access, education, systemic change and advocacy.

Innovation & Social Impact: Coaching and supporting members who are engaging in innovation efforts designed to have a social impact and celebrating innovation among ASA’s membership.

The Advisory Councils are not currently recruiting.


Generations Journal Editorial Advisory Board

Generations Journal is the quarterly online journal of the American Society on Aging. Each issue is devoted to bringing together the most useful and current knowledge about a specific topic in the field of aging, with emphasis on practice, research and policy. Members of the Generations Editorial Advisory Board are chosen via a nominations process and serve at least a two year term with a chance to re-up for more terms. In twice a year meetings, the Generations Editorial Advisory Board chooses topic themes for future issues and suggests guest editors.

The Generations Journal Editorial Advisory Board is not currently recruiting.


Generations Today Editorial Advisory Committee 

Generations Today
is ASA’s bimonthly magazine-style online publication, covering advances in research, practice and policy nationwide.

Time Commitment: The Generations Today Editorial Advisory Committee meets once a year (generally at ASA’s conference) to plan the slate of topics for the following year.
Term Length: Members of the Generations Today Editorial Advisory Committee are chosen via a nominations process and serve at least a two year term with a chance to re-up for more terms.

The Generations Today Editorial Advisory Committee is not currently recruiting.


Peer Reviewer

On Aging national conference workshops are peer reviewed prior to selection. It is important to ASA that we have diverse voices represented and listened to. Peer reviewers will review assigned proposals from Aug. 14–Sept. 4, 2024. This leadership role will take approximately 5 hours of your time.

We are no longer seeking Peer Reviewers for On Aging 2025.



On Aging 2025 Volunteer Opportunities

There are a variety of opportunities for volunteers at the On Aging 2025 conference in Orlando, Florida to help with registration, session monitoring, greeting and directing attendees, and support in the Resource Center.  Approved volunteers receive a discounted conference pass for $250. Please note, On Aging Presenters are not eligible to volunteer.

Time Commitment: To receive the discounted conference pass price a minimum of six hours must be committed at the conference, in addition to attending a virtual training and an onsite training.

To apply to be a volunteer complete this On Aging 2025 Volunteer Form.



Host a Members Only Event

Are you interested in sharing best practices, knowledge or the latest innovations with your peers? 

ASA members can now share content with peers via a Members Only Event. Please complete this form to tell us more about your event. We ask that you complete this form a minimum of three weeks prior to your event, as this will maximize our ability to accommodate your request. An ASA team member will follow up with you within a week. Presentation time is limited to 35-40 mins with a required 5-10 mins for Q&A. At this time all Members Only Events are held virtually.


Members Only Event Presentation Request Form


Pitch Us

We welcome contributions to the Generations Now blog and to Generations Today. Please keep in mind for both publications that ASA is a membership organization of professionals in the aging services sector. We are not a consumer publication, so articles should not directly address consumers. Prior to pitching article ideas, please read other articles on the site to gain a clear sense of the types of stories we tend to publish. Articles can be up to about 800 words. We also prefer articles to fall under one of our five thematic pillars: Ageism & Culture; Economic Security; Equity & Justice; Health & Well-Being; and Innovation & Social Impact.


Pitch an Article for Generations



Share your ASA story!

How has ASA membership benefited you? Send us your testimonial.


Frequently Asked Questions

ASA’s strategic plan has set as a priority to modernize and reframe ASA’s membership engagement model. This expansion of our membership engagement model allows ASA to work with our members to impact specific priority areas and use technology to maintain and increase the flow of information between our members. In addition, it allows ASA to:

  • Attract new members and retain long-standing, devoted members;
  • Strengthen our efforts in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion;
  • Work within our new budgetary realities and limited staffing resources; and
  • Expand ASA’s impact by harnessing deep, member expertise.

These membership engagement opportunities are portals for our members to engage with ASA at their comfort level, while still having an impact on ASA and upon one another. As they engage more deeply in ASA, each person contributes their skill sets to the development of ASA, our programs and one another. Finding the right entry point for each member is integral, as we work to help everyone benefit more deeply from their membership and build a stronger, more sustainable organization.

ASA staff worked with leadership of the Constituent Groups (CGs), as well as with the Board of Directors and other long-standing members to develop this plan.

Under the framework, the Board Committees, Advisory Councils and DEI Commission all report directly to the Board of Directors. To ensure greater collaboration with the membership and in demonstration of a shared commitment to ASA, Advisory Councils and the DEI Commission are co-chaired by one Board Member and one non-Board Member in good standing with ASA. Board Committees are chaired by Board Members only.

ASA will continue to share engagement opportunities in our weekly newsletter, ASA News, and through our social media channels.

Advisory Councils (ACs) are a new way for members to drive ASA’s impact across five strategic priorities: ageism & culture, economic security, justice & equity, health & well-being and innovation & social impact. ACs will develop educational programs and content, advise and assist with special projects and lead networking opportunities to engage and support ASA’s members.

The goal is to have a maximum of 25 members on each AC. Members will represent a diverse cross section of business, nonprofit, government and professional expertise.

Board of Directors

Open to current Board Members, LCC Members, Constituent Group Council Members, and the General Membership.
Applications open annually each Fall.

Board Committee Chairs

Board appointed.
Open to current Board Members.

DEI Commission Co-Chairs (one Board Member & One Non-Member)

Open to current Board Members, LCC Members, Constituent Group Council Members, and the General Membership.

Advisory Council Co-Chairs (one Board Member & One Non-Member)

Open to current Board Members, LCC Members, Constituent Group Council Members, and the General Membership.

Advisory Council Member

Open to all ASA Members.

DEI Commission Member

Open to all ASA Members.

Board Committee Member

Open to all ASA Members.
Members can join throughout the year. Connect with the committee chairs for more information.

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