The work that you have been doing with, and on behalf of, older adults, especially during the pandemic, can take a toll on your mind, body and spirit. And we know that living and working virtually can add to this exhaustion. We don't want On Aging 2021 to further compound this strain. So, we have designed the conference so that you can drop into live sessions when you have the capacity, or choose to watch the recorded versions at a later time. And we've planned breaks that feature stretching and exercising, cooking tutorials, and opportunities to network and have fun with colleagues, many of whom you may not have seen at an ASA Conference since 2019.
We hope you will come to On Aging 2021 to reenergize, connect and plan a path forward, as well as to celebrate all the work ASA members have stepped up to do over the past year. Here are some tips and resources to support your self-care during the conference.
- Stay hydrated.
- Take deep breaths and stretch when possible.
- Stand up and move—you can do that with our Silver Sneakers Shorts during every break.
- Rest your eyes.
- Review your display setting and consider changing the color brightness of your screen.
- Remember to eat. Plan to have a healthy lunch and snacks.
- Block out your schedule so you know what you will view live and what you want to come back to view on-demand.
- Download the handouts and keep them and share with your colleagures.
- Have fun!
- Keep a notebook nearby to write down moments that inspire you.
- Get some sun and fresh air.
- Use the chat feature to connect with friends.