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Part of the Aging and Disability Business Institute Series—a Collaboration of n4a and ASA.

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Includes 1 complimentary CE credit*

*ASWB CE Credit Changes 2018: Beginning September 25, 2018, ASA will no longer be able to  issue ASWB CE credits for recorded web seminar attendance. You can only claim ASWB CE credit if you watch “Embracing the Culture of Accountability: How We Measure Success in Achieving Our Mission” at 10:00 AM PT on March 5, 2018. We apologize for any inconvenience. This change is due to ASWB ACE Provider distance learning requirements. 

If you require ADA accommodation to participate in this web seminar, please contact Steve Moore at your earliest convenience to make arrangements –

With increased focus on social determinants, healthcare organizations now see the value in partnering with community agencies. These partnerships require organizational transformation. This presentation will explore the benefits of “embracing a culture of accountability,” where the work remains mission-driven, but data-informed. Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley has challenged its staff and leadership to not only act, but also to be responsible for specific, measurable results.

Participants in this web seminar will be able to:

•    Describe the need for embracing accountability in order to meet the demands of health care systems;
•    List methods for communicating the need for accountability with staff, leadership, and other external partners;
•    Describe the barriers associating with culture change to integrate accountability, as well as potential solutions to overcome those barriers; and
•    List tools to empower staff to make small and large steps to advance change.


Joan%20Hatem-Roy.jpgJoan Hatem-Roy, L.I.C.S.W., is the chief executive officer of Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley, Inc. Much of her work at Elder Services has focused on building an infrastructure that supports new initiatives bringing healthcare providers and Accountable Care Organizations together with the aging network for healthcare reform.


Jennifer%20Raymond_0.jpgJennifer Raymond, J.D., M.B.A., is the chief strategy officer for Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley and directs the Healthy Living Center of Excellence. She is responsible for strategic planning and sustainability, overseeing a provider network of community-based organizations, as well as efforts to integrate these programs with a variety of healthcare payers.

Target Audience: All



The Aging and Disability Business Institute is funded by:


The Administration for Community Living

The John A. Hartford Foundation

The SCAN Foundation

The Gary and Mary West Foundation

The Colorado Health Foundation

The Marin Community Foundation



National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)

Independent Living Research Utilization/National Center for Aging and Disability

The American Society on Aging

Partners in Care Foundation

Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley/Healthy Living Center of Excellence.

Learn more about The Aging and Disability Business Institute at