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Actor Mickey Rooney’s stirring testimony before the Senate Aging Committee about his own experience as a victim of elder abuse has focused national attention on this stigmatized part of growing old.  Although research shows that over 500,000 older Americans are abused each year, this number reflects only the cases that are reported to Adult Protective Services or the police.  Many more cases are never identified or acknowledged. 

University of California, Irvine’s Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect is a victim-centered, multi-disciplinary model for intervening in elder abuse cases.  They also conduct research on markers of physical abuse, dementia and abuse, and abuse of people with disabilities. 

Participants in this web seminar will:

  • Understand the risk factors in populations that are particularly vulnerable to abuse
  • Learn how to spot the signs of, and address, elder abuse
  • Receive tips on how to ask about abuse when it is suspected